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Kansas Counties

Lincoln County, Kansas

Date Established: February 26, 1867
Date Organized:
Location: Kansas map showing location of Lincoln County
County Seat: Lincoln
Origin of Name: In memory of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), the martyred sixteenth president of the United States.
Cities & Townships
PlacePopulation (2020 census)
Battle Creek Township  34 
Beaver Township  356 
Cedron Township  41 
Colorado Township  234 
Elkhorn Township  871 
Franklin Township  70 
Golden Belt Township  67 
Grant Township  55 
Hanover Township  57 
Highland Township  60 
Indiana Township  121 
Logan Township  50 
Madison Township  81 
Marion Township  113 
Orange Township  47 
Pleasant Township  419 
Salt Creek Township  47 
Scott Township  102 
Valley Township  43 
Vesper Township  71 
Total population: 2,939 

Township map of Lincoln County, 2000
1870 (516)
1880 (8,582)
1890 (9,709)
1900 (9,886)
1910 (10,142)
1920 (9,894)
1930 (9,707)
1940 (8,338)
1950 (6,643)
1960 (5,556)
1970 (4,582)
1980 (4,145)
1990 (3,653)
2000 (3,578)
2010 (3,241)
2020 (2,939)
Other Resources: Post offices in Lincoln County
Cemeteries in Lincoln County, As of 1906
Newspapers Available on Microfilm
Townships and Independent Cities in Lincoln County
Kansas Memory
Links to Other Sites: Lincoln County GenWeb
Early Kansas Maps [KanColl]
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