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Wyandotte, Kansas. 286 miles west of St. Louis Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows Wyandotte, Kansas, with the town in the background and either the Kansas or Missouri River in the foreground. The Union Pacific Railway Eastern Division building and railroad cars are visible in the photograph. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewRailroad Shops Wyandotte, Kansas. 286 miles west of St. Louis Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows the railroad shops at Wyandotte, Kansas, approximately 286 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri. The image was taken from Alexander Gardner's series, "Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division."
previewRailroad yard at Wyandotte, Kansas. 286 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows the railroad shops at Wyandotte, Kansas. A locomotive and railroad tracks and cars are visible in the photograph. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewView at Stranger, Kansas. 311 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows railroad tracks at Stranger, Leavenworth County, Kansas. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewDepot, Lawrence, Kansas, 323 miles west of St. Louis, Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows the depot in Lawrence, Kansas, with people standing on a platform and a train in the background. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewCrandall House, at depot Lawrence, Kansas. 323 miles west of St. Louis Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows people standing on a platform in front of the Crandall House in Lawrence, Kansas. The Kaw Valley Saloon is visible in the photograph. The photograph is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewTurnpike bridge across Kansas River at Lawrence Kansas. 323 miles west of St. Louis Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows the turnpike bridge across the Kansas River at Lawrence, Kansas. There are people and the photographer's dark tent visible in the foreground. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewView looking across turnpike bridge at Lawrence Kansas. 323 miles west of St. Louis Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows people crossing the turnpike bridge at Lawrence, Kansas. The photographer's dark tent and wagon are in the foreground. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewView on Kansas River from below turnpike bridge at Lawrence, Kansas. 323 miles west of St. Louis Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows the turnpike bridge and the Kansas River at Lawrence, Kansas. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewLooking down Kansas River from turnpike bridge at Lawrence, Kansas. 323 miles west of St. Louis Mo.
Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882
This stereograph shows the Kansas River from the turnpike bridge at Lawrence, Kansas. It is from Alexander Gardner's series, Across the Continent on the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.
previewBusiness and Industry
Places -- Cities and towns
- Abbyville
- Abilene
- Ada
- Adamsville
- Admire
- Agenda
- Agra
- Aikman
- Akron
- Alamota
- Albert
- Albion
- Alden
- Alexander
- Aliceville
- Allen
- Allison
- Alma
- Almena
- Altamont
- Alta Vista
- Alton
- Altoona
- Americus
- Andover
- Anness
- Anthony
- Arcadia
- Argentine
- Argonia
- Arkalon
- Arkansas City
- Arlington
- Arma
- Armourdale
- Arvonia
- Asherville
- Ash Grove
- Ashland
- Ashton
- Atchison
- Athol
- Attica
- Atwood
- Aubrey
- Augusta
- Aulne
- Aurora
- Avian
- Axtell
- Baileyville
- Baker
- Bala
- Baldwin City
- Barclay
- Barnard
- Barnes
- Bavaria
- Baxter Springs
- Bayard
- Bazaar
- Beach Valley
- Beagle
- Beattie
- Beaver
- Beckley
- Beeler
- Bellefont
- Belle Plaine
- Belleville
- Beloit
- Belpre
- Belvidere
- Belvue
- Bendena
- Benedict
- Bennington
- Bentley
- Benton
- Bern
- Berryton
- Berwick
- Beulah
- Beverly
- Bigelow
- Big Springs
- Birch
- Bison
- Blaine
- Blake
- Blue Rapids
- Bluff City
- Bogue
- Boicourt
- Bonner Springs
- Bradford
- Brazilton
- Brewster
- Bridgeport
- Bronson
- Brooks
- Brookville
- Broughton
- Brown
- Brownell
- Buck Creek
- Bucklin
- Bucyrus
- Buffalo
- Buhler
- Bunker Hill
- Burden
- Burdett
- Burdick
- Burlingame
- Burlington
- Burns
- Burr Oak
- Burrton
- Bushong
- Bushton
- Buttermilk
- Buxton
- Byers
- Cairo
- Caldwell
- Cambridge
- Caney
- Canton
- Carbondale
- Carlton
- Carlyle
- Cassoday
- Castleton
- Cawker City
- Cedar Point
- Cedar Vale
- Centralia
- Chanute
- Chapman
- Chase
- Chelsea
- Cheney
- Cherokee
- Cherryvale
- Chetopa
- Chicago
- Cicero
- Cimarron
- Circleville
- Claflin
- Clare
- Clay Center
- Clayton
- Clearwater
- Clemens
- Clements
- Clifton
- Cline
- Clyde
- Coats
- Cochrane
- Codell
- Coffeyville
- Colby
- Coldwater
- Collyer
- Colony
- Columbus
- Concordia
- Connell
- Conway
- Coolidge
- Copeland
- Corliss
- Cornell
- Corning
- Coronado
- Cottonwood Falls
- Cottonwood Grove
- Council City
- Council Grove
- Courtland
- Coyville
- Craig
- Croft
- Cross
- Cuba
- Cullison
- Culver
- Cummings
- Cunningham
- Curtis
- Dalton
- Damar
- Dana
- Danville
- Dearing
- Deerfield
- Delaware City
- Delia
- Dellvale
- Delphos
- Denison
- Denmark
- Dennis
- Denton
- Denver City
- Derby
- De Soto
- Detroit
- Devon
- Dexter
- Dighton
- Dillwyn
- Dixon
- Dodge City
- Doniphan
- Dorrance
- Douglas City
- Douglass
- Dover
- Downs
- Dresden
- Dubuque
- Duluth
- Dunavant
- Dunlap
- Dunlay
- Durand
- Durham
- Dwight
- Earlton
- Easton
- Edgerton
- Edmond
- Edna
- Edson
- Edson
- Edward
- Edwardsville
- Effingham
- Elbing
- El Dorado
- Elgin
- Elinor
- Elk City
- Elk Falls
- Elkhart
- Ellinwood
- Ellis
- Ellsworth
- Elmdale
- Elmont
- Elsmore
- Elwood
- Emmett
- Empire City
- Emporia
- Englewood
- Enterprise
- Erie
- Esbon
- Eskridge
- Eudora
- Eula
- Eureka
- Everest
- Fairmont
- Fairview
- Fairway
- Fall Leaf
- Fall River
- Falun
- Fargo Springs
- Farlington
- Farmington (Atchison)
- Faulkner
- Flat
- Fleming
- Florence
- Fontana
- Ford
- Forest Lake
- Fort Scott
- Fowler
- Frankfort
- Frederick
- Fredonia
- Fremont
- Frisbie
- Frizell
- Frontenac
- Fuller
- Fulton
- Furley
- Galatia
- Galena
- Galesburg
- Galva
- Garden City
- Garden Plain
- Gardner
- Garfield
- Garnett
- Garrison
- Gaylord
- Geneva
- Geuda Springs
- Girard
- Gladstone
- Gladys
- Glasco
- Glen Elder
- Goddard
- Goff
- Goodland
- Gordon
- Gorham
- Grainfield
- Granada
- Grantville
- Grasshopper
- Grasshopper Falls
- Great Bend
- Greeley
- Greenleaf
- Greensburg
- Grenola
- Gridley
- Gridley
- Grigsby
- Grigston
- Grinnell
- Grove
- Groveland
- Grover
- Gueda Srings
- Guilford
- Gypsum
- Haddam
- Halfmound
- Halifax
- Hall's Summit
- Halstead
- Hamilton
- Hamlin
- Hanover
- Hanston
- Hardtner
- Harper
- Harris
- Hartford
- Hartland
- Harveyville
- Haverhill
- Haviland
- Hawthorne
- Hayden
- Hays
- Hays City
- Haysville
- Hazelton
- Hedville
- Heizer
- Helmick
- Henson
- Hepler
- Herington
- Herndon
- Hertha
- Hesston
- Hiattville
- Hiawatha
- Highland
- Hill City
- Hillsboro
- Hillsdale
- Hogback
- Holcomb
- Hollenberg
- Holliday
- Hollister
- Holton
- Holyrood
- Home
- Homewood
- Homewood
- Hooser
- Hope
- Horace
- Horton
- Howard
- Howe
- Howell
- Hoxie
- Hoyt
- Hudson
- Hugoton
- Humboldt
- Hunnewell
- Hunter
- Huntsville
- Huron
- Hutchinson
- Hymer
- Idana
- Imes
- Independence
- India
- Indianola
- Ingalls
- Inman
- Iola
- Ionia
- Iowa Point
- Irving
- Irving
- Isabel
- Iuka
- Jamestown
- Jaques
- Jaspar
- Jennings
- Jetmore
- Jewell
- Johnson
- Johnson City
- Jones
- Junction City
- Kackley
- Kanopolis
- Kanorado
- Kansas City
- Kansas Falls
- Keats
- Kechi
- Kellogg
- Kendall
- Kenneth
- Kensington
- Kent
- Kimball
- Kincaid
- King City
- Kingman
- Kingsville
- Kinsley
- Kiowa
- Kiro
- Kirwin
- Knox
- Kramer
- Labette
- Lackman
- La Crosse
- La Cygne
- La Harpe
- Lake City
- Lake of the Forest
- Lakeview
- Lakin
- Lancaster
- Lane
- Lang
- Langdon
- Lansing
- Larkinburg
- Larned
- Latimer
- Lawrence
- Leavenworth
- Lebanon
- Lebo
- Lecompton
- Lehigh
- Le Loup
- Lenape
- Lenexa
- Lento
- Leona
- Leoti
- Le Roy
- Lewis
- Liberal
- Liberty
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Center
- Lincolnville
- Lindsborg
- Linn
- Linwood
- Litchfield
- Little River
- Logan
- Lomax
- Lone Oak
- Longford
- Longton
- Loring
- Lorraine
- Lost Springs
- Louisburg
- Louisville
- Lovewell
- Lowemont
- Lucas
- Ludell
- Luray
- Lyndon
- Lyons
- Macksville
- Madaline
- Madison
- Mahaska
- Manchester
- Mandova
- Manhattan
- Mankato
- Manter
- Maple Hill
- Marietta
- Marion
- Marysville
- Matfield Green
- Mayetta
- Mayfield
- McCune
- McDonald
- McFarland
- McLouth
- McPherson
- Meade
- Medicine Lodge
- Medina
- Medora
- Medway
- Melvern
- Menlo
- Menoken
- Mercier
- Meriden
- Merriam
- Merrick
- Michigan Valley
- Middle Creek
- Midland
- Milan
- Mildred
- Milford
- Miller
- Milton
- Miltonvale
- Minneapolis
- Minneola (Clark County)
- Mission
- Moline
- Monmouth
- Monrovia
- Montezuma
- Mont Ida
- Monument
- Moody
- Moran
- Morehead
- Morganville
- Morland
- Morrill
- Morris
- Moscow
- Moss
- Mound City
- Moundridge
- Mound Valley
- Mound Valley
- Mount Hope
- Muddy Creek
- Mulberry
- Mullinville
- Mulvane
- Muncie
- Munden
- Murdock
- Muscotah
- Narka
- Nashville
- Natoma
- Navarre
- Nearman
- Nekoma
- Neodesha
- Neosho Falls
- Neosho Rapids
- Ness City
- Netawaka
- Netawaka
- New Albany
- Newbury
- New Cambria
- Newman
- New Salem
- Newton
- Nickerson
- Nicodemus
- Niles
- Norcatur
- Noria
- Normal
- North Cedar
- North Topeka
- North Wichita
- Norton
- Nortonville
- Norway
- Norwich
- Norwood
- Oak Hill
- Oakley
- Oak Valley
- Oberlin
- O'Brien
- Ocheltree
- Offerle
- Offerle
- Ogden
- Ogdensburgh
- Oketo
- Olathe
- Olivet
- Olney
- Olpe
- Olsburg
- Olson
- Onaga
- Oneonta
- Ontario
- Opolis
- Osage City
- Osawatomie
- Osborne
- Oskaloosa
- Oswego
- Ottawa
- Ottumwa
- Overbrook
- Overland Park
- Oxford
- Ozawkie
- Padonia
- Palco
- Palermo
- Palestine
- Palmer
- Paola
- Paradise
- Pardee
- Park
- Parker
- Parkerville
- Parnell
- Parsons
- Partridge
- Paton
- Pauline
- Pawnee (Geary County)
- Pawnee Rock
- Paxico
- Peabody
- Peck
- Penalosa
- Pendennis
- Penokee
- Perry
- Peru
- Peterton
- Petrolia
- Pfeiffer
- Phillipsburg
- Pierce Junction
- Pierceville
- Piqua
- Pittsburg
- Plains
- Plainville
- Pleasanton
- Plevna
- Plymouth
- Plymouth
- Pollard
- Pomona
- Poole
- Pope
- Portis
- Portland
- Potter
- Potwin
- Powhattan
- Prairie View
- Pratt
- Prescott
- Preston
- Pretty Prairie
- Princeton
- Protection
- Purcell
- Quenemo
- Quindaro
- Quinter
- Radium
- Rago
- Ramona
- Randolph
- Ransom
- Rantoul
- Raymond
- Reading
- Redfield
- Reece
- Republic
- Reserve
- Rest
- Rex
- Rexford
- Rice
- Richland
- Richmond
- Richter
- Ridgeton
- Riley
- Riley Centre
- Riverdale
- Robinson
- Rock
- Rock Creek (Jefferson)
- Roeland Park
- Rolla
- Rollin
- Rome
- Ronald
- Root
- Roper
- Rosalia
- Rose
- Rosedale
- Rose Hill
- Rossville
- Roxbury
- Ruleton
- Rush Center
- Russell
- Russell Springs
- Sabetha
- Safford
- Saffordville
- Salina
- Salter
- Sand Spring
- Santa Fe
- Sargent
- Satanta
- Savonburg
- Sawyer
- Scammon
- Scandia
- Scott City
- Scranton
- Sedan
- Sedgwick
- Selden
- Selkirk
- Selma
- Seneca
- Severance
- Severy
- Shaffer
- Shannon
- Sharon
- Sharon Springs
- Sharpe
- Shaw
- Shawnee
- Shawnee Mission
- Shields
- Silkville
- Silver Lake
- Simpson
- Sitka
- Skiddy
- Small
- Smith Center
- Smolan
- Soldier
- Solomon
- South Haven
- South Mound
- Spearville
- Spencer
- Spivey
- Spring Hill
- Stafford
- Stark
- Sterling
- St. Francis
- St. George
- Stilwell
- St. John
- St. Marys
- St. Marys Mission
- Stockdale
- Stockton
- Stone
- Stover
- St. Paul
- St. Peter
- Stranger
- Strauss
- Strawn
- Strong City
- Studley
- Stull
- Stuttgart
- Sublette
- Sugar Mound
- Summit
- Sumner (Atchison)
- Sun City
- Sunflower
- Sylvan Grove
- Sylvia
- Syracuse
- Talmage
- Talmo
- Tampa
- Tasco
- Tecumseh
- Tescott
- Thayer
- Timken
- Tipton
- Tonganoxie
- Topeka
- Toronto
- Torrance
- Treece
- Tribune
- Troy
- Turner
- Turon
- Tyro
- Udall
- Ulysses
- Uniontown
- Upola
- Urbana
- Utica
- Utopia
- Valencia
- Valley Center
- Valley Falls
- Vance
- Vanora
- Vassar
- Vermillion
- Vesper
- Victoria
- Vilas
- Vinland
- Viola
- Virgil
- Viva
- Volland
- Volland
- Voltaire
- Wabaunsee
- Wagstaff
- Wakarusa
- WaKeeney
- Wakefield
- Waldeck
- Waldo
- Waldron
- Wallace
- Walnut
- Walsburg
- Walton
- Wamego
- Washington
- Waterville
- Wathena
- Waverly
- Webber
- Weir
- Welda
- Wellington
- Wellsford
- Wellsville
- Weskan
- Westfall
- West Mineral
- Westmoreland
- West Parsons
- Westphalia
- Westwood
- Wetmore
- Wheaton
- Wheeler
- White City
- White Cloud
- Whitewater
- Whitfield (Shawnee, 1855-56)
- Whiting
- Wichita
- Wiggam
- Wild Cat
- Wilder
- Willard
- Williamsburg
- Williamstown
- Wilmore
- Wilmot
- Wilsey
- Wilson
- Winchester
- Windom
- Windthorst
- Winfield
- Winona
- Wolfe
- Woodbine
- Worden
- Wright
- Wyandotte
- Yates Center
- Yoder
- Zarah
- Zeandale
- Zenda
- Zurich
Type of Material
Objects and Artifacts
Built Environment
Community Life
Government and Politics
Home and Family
Thematic Time Period
- Age of Reform, 1880 - 1917
- Bleeding Kansas, 1854 - 1861
- Cattle Drives, 1867 - 1885
- Civil War, 1861 - 1865
- Eisenhower Years, 1946 - 1961
- Great Depression and Dust Bowl, 1929 - 1941
- Immigration and Settlement, 1854 - 1890
- Industrialization and the National Economy, 1870 - 1920
- The Recent Past, 1975 - present
- The Sixties and Vietnam, 1961 - 1975
- The Twenties, 1920 - 1929
- Trails, 1821 - 1880
- World War I, 1914 - 1919
- World War II, 1939 - 1945