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German-Russians to Kansas Bibliography

A photograph of Peter Stecklein, Jacob Ritter, Nicholas Schamme, Peter Leiker, and Anton Wasinger, who came to the United States in 1874, to investigate lands in Ellis and Rush Counties for German-Russian settlements.Encompassing Germans, German-Russians, and Russians to Kansas

"Are on Their Way: Topeka's 'Little Russia' to Have New Citizens." Topeka State Journal. July 21, 1906. [1 p.]. (Reel: T 1387).

Belk, Fred R. "The Final Refuge: Kansas and Nebraska Migration of Mennonites From Central Asia After 1884." Kansas Historical Quarterly 40 (Autumn 1974): 379-392.

Bender, Henry. "The First Settlement of German-Russian Colonists From the Volga River Section of Russia, in the Russian Settlement Eleven Miles South of Russell." Russell Record. Jan. 29, 1914. [1 p.]. (Reel: R 93).

Bergthal Mennonite Church. Heritage First One Hundred: Karlswald, Russia, to Pawnee Rock and Dundee, Kansas, 1874-1974. Pawnee Rock, KS: Author, 1974. (K/289.7/Pam.v.1/no. 2).

Carman, J. Neale. "Germans in Kansas." American-German Review 27 (April/May 1961): 4-8.

__________, editor and translator. "German Settlements Along the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway." Kansas Historical Quarterly 28 (Autumn 1962): 310-316. Probable author of essay was C. B. Schmidt, European immigrant agent for AT&SF.

Clinton, Dewitt. "Our Russians." Topeka Daily Capital. Mar. 20, 1890. [ 1 p.]. (Reel: T 60).

Coburn, Carol K. Life at Four Corners: Religion, Gender, and Education in a German-Lutheran Community, 1868-1945. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1992. A scholarly study of an ethnic community in eastern Kansas (Block, Miami County).

Diamond Jubilee: German-Russian Colonists, 1876-1951. Hays, KS: 1951. (K/325.1/Pam.v.1).

Dreiling, B.M. Golden Jubilee of the German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas. Hays, KS: Ellis County News, 1926. (K/978.1/-E15/D813).

"Foreign Feet in Kansas Furrows: The Russians." Immigration Clippings. Topeka, KS: KSHS, 1911. (K/325.1/Clipp./v. 1/pp. 44-48).

"From Dugout to Motor Car." Immigration Clippings. Topeka, KS: KSHS, 1909. (K/325.1/Clipp./v. 1/p. 71).

Greene, Zula B. "Its Known as 'Little Russia' But There's Nothing Russian About Topeka Community." Topeka Daily Capital. Nov. 12, 1950. [ 1 p.]. (Reel: T 541).

"Half of Ellis County Money in Old Boots: Russian Farmers Noted for Paying Up and Saving." Ellis County Clippings. Topeka, KS: KSHS, 1908. (K/978.1/-EL5/Clipp./v. 1/p. 111).

Haury, David A. "German-Russian Immigrants to Kansas and American Politics." Kansas History 3 (Winter 1980): 226-238.

Hays City Sentinnel. "A Russian Wedding." Kansas Historical Quarterly 6(November 1937): 395-396. (SP 906/K13q/v.6/no. 4/p. 395).

Hiebert, Clarence. Brothers in Deed to Brothers in Need: A Scrapbook About Mennonite Immigrants from Russia, 1870-1885. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1967. (K/325.1/H531).

__________. "The German-Speaking Immigrants From Russia Who Joined the Holdeman Movement." The Holdeman People: The Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1859-1969. South Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1973. (K/289.7/H531/pp. 92-148).

Higgins, Cindy. "Kansas Breweries, 1854-1911." Kansas History 16 (Spring 1993): 2-21. Concentrates on the cultural significance of this industry to the German community and its economic importance in the state prior to state-wide prohibition and the eventual enforcement of the prohibitory law.

__________. Kansas Breweries & Beer, 1854-1911. Eudora, Kans.: Ad Astra Press, 1992. Written for a popular audience, this nicely illustrated volume identifies breweries in 48 Kansas communities.

image of Alien registration Card, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice during World War I to non-naturalized citizens of the U.S.Holman, Margaret. "Little Russia." Bulletin of the Shawnee County Historical Society. (Dec. 1955): 29-30. (K/978.1/-Sh1/no. 24).

Hoover, M.S. "The Alien Contribution to the History of Barton County, Kansas." Master's thesis, Ft. Hays State College, 1930. (K/325.1/H769).

"How Things Are in Little Russia: Looks Manners and Customs of Topeka's Slavs." Topeka Daily Herald. June 21, 1902. [ 1 p.]. (Reel: T 1107).

Johannes, Sister Mary E. "A Study of the Russian-German Settlements in Ellis County, Kansas." Doctorate dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1946. (K/325.3/J597).

Keel, William D. "The German Heritage of Kansas: An Introduction." Heritage of the Great Plains 27 (Summer 1994): 5-8. This special issue contains article by Christopher Johnson, "Russian Loan Words in Ellis County Volga German Dialects," John McCabe-Juhnke, "Enacting Gemeinde in the Language and Style of Swiss Volhynian Mennonite Storytelling," William D. Keel, "From the Netherlands to Kansas: Mennonite Low German," and Gabriele Lunte," The German Bohemian Cultural and Linguistic Heritage of the Catholic Bucovinians in Ellis, Kansas."

Laing, Rev. Francis S. "German-Russian Settlements in Ellis County, Kansas." Kansas Historical Collections 11 (1909-10): 489-528. Focuses on Catholic element of this migration.

Machtet, Grigorij. "Frey's Community." America Through Russian Eyes, 1874-1926. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988. (973/H279/pp. 54-82).

__________. "The Prairie and the Pioneers." America Through Russian Eyes, 1874-1926. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1988. (973/H279/pp. 16-53).

Morgenstern, William. "The Settlement of Bessarabia, Russia, By the Germans." Kansas Historical Collections 15 (1919-1922): 579-590. Early 19th century migration; many of these people and their descendants removed to Russell County in 1878.

"Most Topeka 'Russians' Are Not Russians at All: They Are Descendants of German Colony that Settled on Steppes of Russia, a Thousand Miles From Their Homeland, in the Early Eighties." Topeka Daily Capital. Mar. 28, 1920. [ 1 p.]. (Reel: T 214).

Muller, Edwin. "The Odyssey of an American." The Rotarian. 38 (Feb. 1941): 17-19. (051/R74/v. 58/no. 2/p. 17).

Pantle, Alberta. "Settlement of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren At Gnadenau, Marion County." Kansas Historical Quarterly 13 (February 1945): 259-285. German-Russian colony led by Jacob A. Wiebe to Kansas in summer 1874.

A side view of St. Fidelis Church, the "Cathedral of the Plains," in Victoria, Kansas. The church was built to serve the predominantly Catholic Volga-German community in the area. Petersen, Albert Jepmond, Jr. "German-Russian Catholic Colonization in Western Kansas: A Settlement Geography." Doc. diss., Louisiana State University, 1970.

__________. "The German-Russian Settlement Patterns in Ellis County, Kansas." Rocky Mountain Social Scientist 5 (April 1968): 52-62.

Pickle, Linda Schelbitzki. Contented among Strangers: Rural German-Speaking Women and Their Families in the Nineteenth-Century Midwest. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1996. The author includes in her study the states of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

__________. "Rural German-Speaking Women in Early Nebraska and Kansas: Ethnicity as a Factor in Frontier Adaptation." Great Plains Quarterly 9 (Fall 1989): 239-251.

Poell, John M. Pfeifer, Kansas, 1886-1976: Cross in the Valley. N.p.: Author, 1976. (K/282/Pam.v.5/no. 5).

Ruppenthal, Jacob C. "The German Element in Central Kansas." Kansas Historical Collections 13 (1913-14): 513-533.

"Russian Colony Lately Established." [Fredonia] Wilson County Citizen. July 31, 1874. [1 p.]. (Reel: F 482).

"Russian Colony of Fifty Families." [Fredonia] Wilson County Citizen. July 17, 1874. [1 p.]. (Reel: F 482).

"Russian Settlers in Ellis County, Kansas." Ellis County Clippings. Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-EL5/Clipp./v. 1/pp. 77, 95, 104, 111 and 126-137).

"Russians Come to Kansas." Russell County Clippings. Topeka, KS: KSHS, n.d. (K/978.1/-R91/Clipp./v. 1/p. 83).

"Russians in Kansas." [Topeka] Mail and Breeze. Jan. 5, 1900. [ 1 p.]. (Reel: T 1202).

"Russians Leave Us: Topeka's Population Suffers a Loss of Fifty-Five." Topeka Daily Capital. Sept. 24, 1895. [1 p.]. (Reel: T 82).

"The Russians of Russell County." Russell County Clippings. Topeka, KS: KSHS, 1904. (K/978.1/-R91/Clipp./v. 1, pp. 77 and 83).

"Santa Fe Settles Russians in Western Kansas." The Earth. 11 (Feb. 1914): 4. (K/051/Ea7/v. 11).

Saul, Norman E. "The Migration of the Russian-Germans to Kansas." Kansas Historical Quarterly 40 (Spring 1974): 38-62.

Portrait of Bernhard Warkentin, pioneer Mennonite and miller of Red Turkey wheat in Halstead and Newton__________. "Myth and History: Turkey Red Wheat and the `Kansas Miracle'." Heritage of the Great Plains 22 (Summer 1989): 1-13.

Schock, Adolph. In Quest of Free Land. San Jose, Calif.: San Jose State College, 1964. Coverage includes German-Russians, Mennonites, Catholics, and Lutherans in the old Northwest and on the Plains (Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas) from 1700 to 1929.

Schrag, Martin H. The European History of the Swiss Mennonites from Volhynia. North Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 1974. (K/325.1/Sch69).

Slavic Heritage. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, 1984. (SP/378/Z/SLl6).

"A Sturdy People: About the Russian Settlement in North Topeka." Topeka Daily Capital. July 9, 1899. [1 p.]. (Reel: T 98).

Swiss-German Cultural and Historical Association. A Study Guide of the Swiss Mennonites Who Came to Kansas in 1874. N.p.: 1974. (K/325.1/Pam.v.2/no. 3).

"12 Out of 73 Members of First Russian Colony to Russell County Still Living." Russell Record . March 1, 1948. [2 pp.]. (Reel: NP 3276).

Taylor, Lorene L. "A Short Ethnic History of the Russian People in Wyandotte County." A Short Ethnic History of Wyandotte County. Kansas City, KS: Kansas City Kansas Ethnic Council, 1993. (K978.1/-W97/K133s/V. 1/pp. 247-256).

Turk, Eleanor L. "The Germans of Atchison, 1854-1859: Development of an Ethnic Community." Kansas History 2 (Autumn 1979): 146-156. (SP/906/K13qh/v.2/p.146)

__________. "The German Newspapers of Kansas." Kansas History 6 (Spring 1983): 46. (SP/906/K13qh/v.6/p.46)

__________. "Getting Together: German American Social Organization On the Kansas Frontier." Kansas Quarterly 25 (no 2, 1994): 57-67. Examines ways in which churches and other organizations aided in the development of German language groups and the importance of these groups to Germans on the Kansas frontier.

__________. "Selling the Heartland: Agents, Agencies, Press and Policies Promoting German Emigration to Kansas in the Nineteenth Century." Kansas History 12 (Autumn 1989): 150-159. (SP/906/K13qh/v.12/p.150)

Socolofsky, Homer E. The Socolofsky Family: A History. Manhattan, KS: Ag Press, 1986. (BBB/So13/So13s).

Steiner, M.D. "German-Russian Colony." Russell Record. Jan. 29, 1914. [1 p.]. (Reel: R 93).

Wedel, David C. The Story of Alexanderwohl. North Newton, KS: Mennonite Press, 1974. (K/289.7/W414s).

Woman's Kansas Day Club. "German Settlement in Smith County, Kansas."  In "Human Tapestry of Kansas." 1951. (Vertical Oversize/ K/325.1/W84/6th dist.)