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Kansas Historical Quarterly - Summer 1966

Kansas Historical Quarterly, Summer 1966

Volume 33

Summer 1966, No. 2


Cover and contents

Joseph W. Snell and Robert W. Richmond, "When the Union and Kansas Pacific Built Through Kansas," (two parts), p. 161.

Robert S. LaForte, "Theodore Roosevelt's Osawatomie Speech (1910)," p. 187. | PDF Version (Volunteer: Tristan Smith)

William M. Tuttle, Jr., ed., "William Allen White and Verne Marshall: Two Midwestern Editors Debate Aid to the Allies versus Isolationism," p. 201.

Louis Barry, comp., "Kansas Before 1854: A Revised Annals, Part Twenty, 1851," p. 210.

Bypaths of Kansas History, p. 283.

Kansas History as Published in the Press, p. 284.

Kansas Historical Notes, p. 285.


The Cover

"Fort Harker, Kansas—South Side," a watercolor by German-born Hermann Stieffel, was probably painted about 1870. Stieffel was for 24 years a private in the Fifth U.S. infantry, and was stationed at Fort Harker, Ellsworth county, in 1867-1873. This painting, showing the infant Union Pacific railroad, is one of three Fort Harker originals still extant. Two are owned by the Smithsonian Institution (cover, and see facing page), and the third by the Ellsworth county Historical Society (facing page).

A story of the buildling of the Union Pacific railway, Eatern Division, begins on p. 161.